Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Spring Pictures
Mommy took some pretty spring pictures of us boys yesterday and well, I think she got my good side. What do you think and can you tell us apart?
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Big boy shots
Mom took the Sheriff and I out yesterday to enjoy the beautiful weather. Unsuspecting pups that we are, we weren't suspicious at all when Mom pulled up at her work for a promises long hike and a visit to the toy store after. Wow, we get Mom for a whole day and treats! It must be my birthday or we won the doggy lottery.
The hike was so much fun with new green stuff to mark and yucky, smelly things to roll in. I was one happy Deputy so happy that I willingly jumped into the car after the walk as I just knew we were headed to the toy store. Mom briefly mentioned that we had one stop to make before that and we happily agreed-maybe we will get doggy ice cream if we are really good!
We pull into the parking lot and pile out if the car. Wait....I am experiencing scent overload. Too many doggies and cats....wait I remember this place. This is where you get poked with something that makes your butt hurt all night long. Oh man I don't want to be here and quickly try to jump back into the car except Mom is quicker and scoops me up while the Sheriff quakes in fear
Normal routine-check my weight...yet another reminder that those late night bones were a bad idea. Then the doctor walks in. Now knowing how nervous I get around new people, mom makes sure I see the same sweet faced, quiet talking vet who gives me special loves. I like her, I really do. So much so that I let her look into my ears and touch all my paws without trying to take a chunk out of her hand. That is real love in my estimation.
I get two quick pricks while Mom rocks me-it's my favorite thing in the whole world-really calms me down when I am upset. The Sheriff meanwhile is crouched under the chair peeing all over the floor-he doesn't seem to understand that I am the only pup who will have a sore butt tonight.
Luckily the appointment didn't last long but everyone in the office was so impressed by oh well I have settled in and how mature I have become. I was quite pleased with myself if I do say.
We finished off the day with a trip to the ice cream and toy store where I got to pick out a brand new squicker! Yahoo!! As the day was just as traumatic for the Sheriff, he got puppy ice cream to sooth his nerves. All in all a very Good Friday.
Now time to track that pesky rabbit I hear is supposed to come around tonight. Yum.
Thursday, April 17, 2014
There Once Was a Screen Porch
So over Christmas, cousin Theo came to visit us at the Homestead. Theo is a mix of all things adorable and resides in Ohio with Dad's sister. As a general rule, I am not a fan of strange dogs staying at the Homestead with the exception of Captain Half-Pint so the whole experience was a bit upsetting for me. One thing I did enjoy about cousin Theo was that he didn't let a screen porch get in his way of chasing outdoor creatures.
The homestead has a lovely screen porch that separates the house from the backyard and us doggies enjoy laying in the shade and cool concrete on hot days. Theo wasn't keen on having to go through a door to get out of the screen porch so he busted through the bottom half of the screen, creating an opening for us pups to come and go at will. As it was a long, cold, snowy winter, the humans didn't fix the screen immediately. Then two weeks ago, the weather got nice and Mom decided to rip the entire screen porch off the frame. Yahoo! More places to run and free access to the flower beds. Yay! Whoopee!!
Last weekend though, all the fun came to an end. The humans, with help from us pups, rescreened the entire porch again along with a whole new frame. It took the ENTIRE weekend which was a bummer for us as we didn't get to go on our weekend hikes. Alas, we again had to come and go through the screen door to get to the backyard.
And then the pesky rabbit came hippity hopping into the yard. Following Theo's example, I just launched myself head first through the bottom screen and busted all of Mom and Dad's weekend work in one swoop. Came darn close to catching the rabbit too. I came trotting back to the house, proud of myself for my efforts to keep the rabbit out of Mom's tulips. She was going to be so proud of me. It was a short feeling of pride as the humans both met me at the door with the tap of foot and crossed arms. Hmmmmm...me thinks I should have gone through the open door . So much for my weekend hike this weekend....pesky rabbit.
The homestead has a lovely screen porch that separates the house from the backyard and us doggies enjoy laying in the shade and cool concrete on hot days. Theo wasn't keen on having to go through a door to get out of the screen porch so he busted through the bottom half of the screen, creating an opening for us pups to come and go at will. As it was a long, cold, snowy winter, the humans didn't fix the screen immediately. Then two weeks ago, the weather got nice and Mom decided to rip the entire screen porch off the frame. Yahoo! More places to run and free access to the flower beds. Yay! Whoopee!!
Last weekend though, all the fun came to an end. The humans, with help from us pups, rescreened the entire porch again along with a whole new frame. It took the ENTIRE weekend which was a bummer for us as we didn't get to go on our weekend hikes. Alas, we again had to come and go through the screen door to get to the backyard.
And then the pesky rabbit came hippity hopping into the yard. Following Theo's example, I just launched myself head first through the bottom screen and busted all of Mom and Dad's weekend work in one swoop. Came darn close to catching the rabbit too. I came trotting back to the house, proud of myself for my efforts to keep the rabbit out of Mom's tulips. She was going to be so proud of me. It was a short feeling of pride as the humans both met me at the door with the tap of foot and crossed arms. Hmmmmm...me thinks I should have gone through the open door . So much for my weekend hike this weekend....pesky rabbit.
Monday, April 14, 2014
What's a Dog to Do?
Spring is in the air...everywhere I look around...
Bad news: My paws, which have recovered over the long winter, growing fur and turning a beautiful white have started to look all red and blotchy again (how can a dog be allergic to grass? Shouldn't have be illegal or something?)
Good news: The rabbit is back! So if you don't remember, there was something in the yard that I came oh so very close to catching one late night in the fall. It squealed loud enough for daddy to hear it which is the only reason Mr. Cottontail was able to hop under the fence and out into the darkness. Otherwise, I would have me a nice little late night snack. Anyway, I searched and smelled and searched and smelled all winter long, waiting for the Cottontail to come back around. Well...my determination paid off because guess who decided to come hopping back into my backyard. Oh he thought he was sneaky, he did. Hanging out under the pine tree, chewing on Momma's tulips. Thought I wouldn't see him tucked back into the corner, scoping out the joint for his next hope. But I did, I did! Oh I ran and came so close to catching him. That pesky, sneaky rabbit though, he had dug himself a little patch under the fence that I wasn't able to fit under. I knew those chewy bones at night where a bad idea..made my hips too big!
Bad news: My paws, which have recovered over the long winter, growing fur and turning a beautiful white have started to look all red and blotchy again (how can a dog be allergic to grass? Shouldn't have be illegal or something?)

I would have dug my way through if it wasn't for Dad's quick thinking and pulling me out from under the tree. So close...I could feel his fur on my nose. I was so proud though I ran into the house and upstairs to tell Mom all about it. She was less than thrilled that this muddy, sap covered Deputy jumped onto the newly washed bedspread though..scooped me right up and into the shower I went. This time I didn't mind so much because I could tell her all about my adventure (and it wasn't as cold as it had been the last time I got a bath). Needless to say, I dreamed of all things furry and cotton tailed last night.
Ohhhhh I can't wait until tonight though...I have a plan...if only the Sheriff will distract the humans for me....grrrrrrrrrrr be ready you pesky rabbit
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