Monday, December 16, 2013

My Favorite Things

In the spirit of the season, I thought I would post some of my favorite things (you can hum along the music if you like).

1. Heat! One of my absolute favorite things since it has gotten colder is to sit in front of the space heater. Mom and Dad keep one just for us doggies because we tend to catch a chill in the winter. After doing our morning absolutions, the Sheriff and I vie for the seat right in front of it! Ah...warmth

2). Belly Rubs! I cannot emphasis this enough-I want and quite often demand my belly to be rubbed. I may growl in the beginning but I quickly calm right down and flip over to my back so anyone can rub my upper chest or right under my chin. Special credit given to those humans who warm their hands before touching me.

3). Going for walks! Mom and Dad have us on a very strict routine. Everyday before they head to work, we get our walk in around the neighborhood. Then everyday at the same time, it's puppy playdate time where all the neighborhood dogs meet over at the park and we sniff, mark, and run with each other. Just in case Mom and Dad think we forget about our special walks, I remind them but jumping up and down on my two back legs.

4). Watching TV! Can we say Animal Planet? Actually I am not that choosey, all I ask that is whistles not be blown, people do not clap their hands, no running or fast movement of any kind, or loud noises. If whatever Mom and Dad put on TV fits into those categories, I will gladly watch right along with them.

5). Rubber Toys. Huge fan! I love when they slip out of my mouth and I can chase them all across the room. If I'm feeling especially happy, I'll even let Mom and Dad throw the toy every once in a while. Mom captured a picture of me with one of my favorite toys in front of the mantel. 

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