Sunday, December 22, 2013

Deputy in the Doghouse


Deputy Dougal will be unavailable for his weekly post because he decided to pee all over Mommy's drapes today. I tried to warn him-but you know Westies-stubborn as all get out. See what had happened was Mom had to transport another doggy to her fur ever home today and well, for some reason the Deputy got it into his head he wouldn't get in trouble if he marked inside the house. How would Mom find out he asked? Hehehe oh boy that was a challenge if there ever was one. 

To ensure he would not get away with it I developed a plan while patiently waiting for Mommy to get home. After several hours of her ignoring my attempts to get her upstairs she finally went up to check on something and I immediately went to the curtains and smelled, looked at her, sniffed, looked at her until she got the hint that something was there. 

Now I know some of you may call me a dirty rat because I tattled on my brother but see here-marking in the house is not tolerated and sets a bad example for all us Westies. Yeah, I told on him and I would do it again in a heart beat. 

Anyway, I will be in the dog house if Mom discovers me on the Deputy's blog so Merry Christmas all!

Licks and loves,

Sheriff Padfoot

Monday, December 16, 2013

My Favorite Things

In the spirit of the season, I thought I would post some of my favorite things (you can hum along the music if you like).

1. Heat! One of my absolute favorite things since it has gotten colder is to sit in front of the space heater. Mom and Dad keep one just for us doggies because we tend to catch a chill in the winter. After doing our morning absolutions, the Sheriff and I vie for the seat right in front of it! Ah...warmth

2). Belly Rubs! I cannot emphasis this enough-I want and quite often demand my belly to be rubbed. I may growl in the beginning but I quickly calm right down and flip over to my back so anyone can rub my upper chest or right under my chin. Special credit given to those humans who warm their hands before touching me.

3). Going for walks! Mom and Dad have us on a very strict routine. Everyday before they head to work, we get our walk in around the neighborhood. Then everyday at the same time, it's puppy playdate time where all the neighborhood dogs meet over at the park and we sniff, mark, and run with each other. Just in case Mom and Dad think we forget about our special walks, I remind them but jumping up and down on my two back legs.

4). Watching TV! Can we say Animal Planet? Actually I am not that choosey, all I ask that is whistles not be blown, people do not clap their hands, no running or fast movement of any kind, or loud noises. If whatever Mom and Dad put on TV fits into those categories, I will gladly watch right along with them.

5). Rubber Toys. Huge fan! I love when they slip out of my mouth and I can chase them all across the room. If I'm feeling especially happy, I'll even let Mom and Dad throw the toy every once in a while. Mom captured a picture of me with one of my favorite toys in front of the mantel. 

Monday, December 9, 2013

Ho, Ho, Wait...Snow??

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow...somewhere else!

Mom and Dad wrongly surmised that I would love the snow as much as the Sheriff and bundled us off to the backyard for what they considered playtime. Well, they were in for a big surprise (as was I because I had no idea the snow was that deep when I jumped off the back porch) when after successfully doing my business, I high tailed it back into the house. Apparently the Sheriff, who was never the sharpest pencil in the box (shhh don't tell him I said so) doesn't mind cold, wet, white stuff clinging to his paws and belly, or that he has to hop like a rabbit to get across the yard. We will run around in the stuff all day long, chasing Daddy, flinging snow everywhere, digging holes with his nose, etc. As we all know, I am much too dignified for that (Sheriff Padfoot: "Don't let him fool you, by the evening, Deputy was rolling around in the snow trying to cover every inch of his body. Oh, and what does he mean by comparing me to a pencil? What is a pencil exactly? Hmmmm I'm thinking I may have to do a sneak attack on him later!"

Enjoy the lovely photos Mom insisted on taking:

Sheriff Padfoot enjoying the snow
 Me trying to get to the house
Seriously Mom, it's cold and wet-can we go inside now?

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Speak, Dougal, Speak

Happy Thanksgiving and Hanukkah everyone! Sorry for the delay in posting, but once again, the humans had other priorities and given they supply the food, I try to keep my complaining to a minimum.

That being said, I threw my first Deputy style temper tantrum last night. Unfortunately, Mom didn't get video or even pictures but I'll try my best to describe the story.

Picture it: The Homestead, 2013. Everyday at 4:30pm, pups from the neighborhood convene at the local park for what Mom calls "Puppy playdate." We run, sniff, mark, the works for about a half hour or until it gets too dark to see. Afterwards, all pups race back to their respective houses because we know it's chow time!!

Normally, Mom would give us our food and then she does chores, gets in a workout, cooks, continues working, whatever she needs to do before giving us her undivided attention. Padfoot usually gets impatient and will begin his high pitch barking (see earlier post where we serenaded Mom) and running around the house. Totally confused and little freaked out by all the noise, I will press myself against Mom or Dad until they are able to quiet the Sheriff down. Then last night happened. The Sheriff goes over to our "toy box" which between you and I is really my toy box because the Sheriff never plays with anything other than a bone or stick. Anyway he pulls out one of the tennis balls I brought in from the garage and proceeds to play with it. His play consists of planting the ball in the middle of the room and running around it, laying on his side with his two front paws trying to "kick" it, or playing keep away from the humans. After watching for like a second, I quickly run to Mom, put my paw in the air, and begin "speaking" or demanding that she immediately take the toy away from the Sheriff and give it to me. I am relentless in my pursuit for justice, roah roahing for several minutes and increasing the pitch level as high as I can until the Sheriff comes running over to me-I'm assuming to make sure I haven't turned into a squirrel or rat that can now be chased.

Mom calmly tries to explain to me that the Sheriff pulled out the ball first and that I have literally hundreds of more toys to play with-all for nothing because I want the ball, I want the ball, I want the ball!!! Finally, the Sheriff, having the attention span of a gnat, walks away from the ball to pursue other interests and Mom gives the ball to me. Well, she waited way too long to meet my demands and with tail held high, I walk away in disgust. That will teach her!

Deputy Dougal

Thursday, November 14, 2013


Greetings everyone-

Deputy Dougal has graciously allowed his Momma to hijack his blog for this one time so I can share a few personal observations.

As the Deputy has alluded to, his Daddy and I brought Sheriff Padfoot home when he was 7 weeks and 3 pounds of pure white fluff. This beautiful, sweet boy was incredibly vulnerable and relied on us for everything with never once experiencing anything scary (outside of the wind blowing a plastic bag or a bush) or negative. Every one of his milestones such as climbing up and down the steps for the first time (regardless of the fact that he had broken out of his crate and took every one of Mommy shoes from the closet down the stairs to the living room), going potty outside (only two accidents in the house ever-must be some kind of record), learning all of his commands (sit, down, paw, beg, speak), jumping on the couch, all were celebrated with love, claps, and treats. I thought it was not possible to love a single thing more than watching this dog become a needy puppy into a very confident and well behaved adult dog. How could anything top the loves he gives in the morning just because we woke up, or the fun he has running "the bases" in the local park?

Now, I know. It's experiencing the milestones with a rescue or more specifically with the Deputy. We knew when we applied to adopt from Maryland Westie Rescue that there may be challenges or unexpected experiences we would need to address. When the Deputy's story was told and all of his little (or significant) idiosyncrasies were provided, we were very confident in our abilities to meet or exceed every one of this poor boys needs. Our confidence lasted roughly 24 hours after we brought him home. Having had limited experience with rescues that had suffered the way he had, we were completely unprepared for the fear, anxiety, and downright confusion facing us. Every noise Dougal heard, he would bark at, he would growl and snarl when petted, he refused to eat for the first 48 hours, he would hide under the bed for no other reason than it was nighttime. After a week, I was wondering if we had done the right thing, did we have what it takes to help Dougal heal and trust us? Were we enough for him? Could he love us?

Those questions continued to play over and over in my head after each vet visit, dog park experience, attempts to walk on trails, etc. Slowly, progress was made. For each milestone we reached, setbacks would follow. For example, Dougal was aggressive when being brushed or getting his paws sprayed with special allergy reducing medicine. After about 3 weeks, he finally realized that neither the spray nor the brushing were going to hurt him. Yet, last week, after almost 6 weeks of progress, he reverted and lashed out at my husband. What happened? His Daddy and I felt like failures because we had worked so hard to gain his trust and show him unconditional love and affection. After sitting with a very contrite, obviously upset dog in our laps, we realized that progress is slow and sometimes to go forward, steps backwards have to happen. Patience and love are definitely virtues we need to utilize in our daily lives with Dougal.  However, progress has happened!!! After about 6 weeks, little things began to change. Dougal met dogs in the neighborhood that he actually would play with, he responded to commands with enthusiasm and pride, he would bring toys for us to play with, sought our laps and company when upset instead of hiding under the bed, go outside without barking, allowed the groomer to wash and brush him without incident, gave licks and love for no other reason than I petted the right spot.

These were not the same milestones we had experienced with the Sheriff but they had the exact same impact. Each and everyday our precious Deputy improves and trusts us more and more. My heart is so full of love and joy because of these two exceptional boys and cannot imagine our lives without both of them in it. For those that struggle with feelings of inadequacy or despair after bringing a rescue home-hold on just a little longer and longer after that. Two steps forward sometimes means 4 steps backward but it is ok! Things do improve and they are miraculous when they do. You don't want to miss out!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Puppy Serenade

The picture is dark and not the best, but if you turn your sound on, you can enjoy the Sheriff and I serenading Mommy! Enjoy!!

P.S We added a gadget thingy so you can follow my Deputy posts by e-mail! Now you will be up to date on my daily activities.

The Deputy

Monday, November 4, 2013

Groomed and Perfumed

The Sheriff and I received haircuts. Whatcha think and can you tell whose who?

Thursday, October 31, 2013


Greetings and Salutations (and Happy Halloween)

Two months ago today, I was enjoying the afternoon lounging around with my foster brothers waiting for my Mom and Dad to stop their work on the farm when out of nowhere, a car pulls into the driveway. Out step 2 humans and another white pup that looks a lot like me. Of course my foster brothers go nuts barking and slamming themselves against the windows; attempting to be the first ones to greet the intruders. A familiar voice, Mom has arrived and finally we are going to get to smell the newbies or at least I get to. Ha, finally in a pack of 4 I get to do something first! I give the new arrivals a once over but to be frank, I was more interested in smelling the yard, checking out the kitties, greeting Dad when he came up to say hello.

Little did I know how my life was going to change...again.

As I mentioned before, I had a rough start but all that changed with the arrival of my foster family. Suddenly I was surrounded by love and affection. I settled into a routine with my foster brothers all vying for Mom's lap and attention or watching sports with Dad (I have a little addiction to TV). Just as I had gotten comfortable with my role in the pack, I was introduced to a new family. They seemed nice enough if a little timid. The Sheriff wasn't as much interested in me as my foster brothers or the location of his Mommy. After an all too brief visit, the Sheriff and I were packed in the car to begin a new chapter in my life.

I cannot say it's been easy, leaving the first home where I had a family and adjusting to a new Mom and Dad but I think I've finally settled in. I have trained the new humans to meet all my needs-new toys, walks at least twice a day, comfy blankets, etc. The Sheriff and I are still working on our respective roles in the family hierarchy but that will come in time. While I am surrounded by love, I find myself thinking of my foster brothers and my Mom and Dad, missing them and their affection. Thank you for rescuing me Mom and Dad and for working with me in preparation for my new home. I miss you and love you bunches.

Now according to past vet records and Mom, I have a very special day tomorrow-it's my birthday (or at least it is the date given as my birthday). It also happens to be Mommy and Daddy's wedding anniversary (another reason they think I was meant to be theirs) so the weekend will be full of celebrations and fun! Hope everyone enjoys themselves and stays safe with the Halloween festivities.

Loves and Licks to all,

Deputy Dougal

Monday, October 28, 2013

Week at Grandma's

Dear distinguished followers,

Apologies for the delay in posting. You cannot imagine how difficult it is to pin down Mommy following a week's vacation! One would think she has priorities other than the Sheriff and I and well, that is just unacceptable.

Anyway, as explained to me, Mommy and Daddy needed a little vacation and therefore, we pups got shipped off to the Academy, a.k.a Grandma and Granpas. Let me just tell you, the Academy is loads of FUN! Acres and acres of smells, nasty stuff to roll in, noises to bark at, wildlife to chase, you name it, we do it! Captain Half-Pint in his role as senior doggy patrol keeps us in line with daily inspections, scheduled play time, marches, the works. Now I know where the Sheriff gets his time management skills-everything is on a routine.

4AM-Fox hunting-everyone barks in unison and out we go to catch us some sneaky foxes (in theory of course otherwise what we would do tomorrow?)

4:30AM-Curl up for more sleep now that the entire house is awake

7AM-Morning walk with Grandpa down the driveway (also double check the fox has not returned)


8:00AM-Start following Grandma around until she gives in and takes us for a very long walk

9:00AM-Grandma caves and we get to go a-walking

11:00AM-5:00PM-Follow Grandma around because it's entertaining (and drives her a little nuts)

5:30PM-Greet Grandpa and proceed to follow him around (he is notorious for sharing his dinner if you stare at him long enough)

6:00PM-8:00PM-Requisite play time. This consists of Grandpa throwing a ball, the Captain running to fetch it and the Sheriff and I trying to body block him. Note: the Captain growls and barks but means no harm. You should make sure that whoever you body block has the same temperament or bad ouchies may be coming.

8:30PM-Curl up for sleep

See, aren't you jealous we had a week of this? Now keep in mind, Grandma is all for training throughout the day so there were many, many practices of COME, STAY, NO BARK, WAIT, SIT, etc. I got pretty good by the end if I do say so myself.

Although we love our sojourns to the Academy, nothing quite compares to coming home to Mommy and Daddy!

Loves and Licks and thanks to the Grandparents (and promises for more updates in a timely fashion)

Deputy Dougal

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Inspiration Thursdays

Still raining at the Homestead but we have managed to get out for a few walks here and there. Mommy has received quite a few questions regarding this blog and how she and I got the idea to start one. To be fair, I've always thought my very interesting life warranted it's own novel but Mommy doesn't seem to think she has the talent or the time for such a venture. Compromise? A blog!

Apparently she thought about creating a blog when Sheriff Padfoot first came home. Who wouldn't love hearing about a 6 week old, 3 pound bundle of fluff experiencing the world for the first time? However, the whole "wow is she a crazy dog person or what?" feedback Mommy played over and over in her mind stopped her from pursuing it. Luckily for me, she found that she is not alone in love for all things Westies/doggies in general and while patiently awaiting for my arrival came across another blog dedicated to a rescue and her brother. "Tails from the Pup Tent" Finally, Mommy got  the push she needed (along with some helpful nudging from my foster Mommy) and "Howdy from the Homestead" and my much deserved fame were realized!

Enough of that now onto to the very exciting news of the week! The Sheriff and I had our first play session since meeting each other a month ago. While perusing boxes and bags in the garage that were full of the Sheriff's old toys, I discovered one of my all time favorite things in the world-a rubber puppy accordion! I recognized it right away as one of the toys offered to me at the academy (see picture of me sleeping with it in an earlier blog post). You can imagine my excitement at being reunited with my long lost favorite toy that I thought I would never see again! Picture running, tugging, and growling occurring over and over again. Not to be left out of all the fun, the Sheriff grabs my beloved toy and gives it a gentle tug. Confused and a little scared, I quickly release the toy and hide behind Daddy. After several minutes of encouragement from Mommy and Daddy and a very determined Sheriff patiently standing next to me with my toy and I finally feel confident enough to grab ahold and give my own gentle tug. Hey, this is kind of fun and before anyone realizes it, we are playing tug-a-war!
While no one should expect a repeat performance any time soon, I have to admit, having a Sheriff around may not be such a bad thing after all. Time will tell.

Loves and Licks to everyone,
Deputy Dougal

Monday, October 7, 2013

Weekend Fun!

Humph Mondays. Who needs them? I say everyday should be Sunday! Whose with me??

As it's raining and I'm still pouting about missing my morning walk this morning, I thought I would share a video from our weekend escapades. Note: No doggies were injured in the making of this film.

After playing outside and helping around the Homestead planting really pretty flowers for me to mark , I mean smell come spring, it was time for a bath. I was all for Mommy picking up the Sheriff and dragging him into the tub, it was actually kind of funny watching him get drenched and slathered. Then Daddy came home and before I knew what was happening, I was in the tub rubba dub dubbing. Not so bad really but the proposed I don't think so. I don't do brushes or combs or anything that could remotely pull one little, absolutely perfect hair in my body.  However, being the simple needs Deputy that I am, I let the humans bribe me with treats as I was sprayed and brushed. Whatcha think?

I'm off to do more sniffing and chores. Licks and jumps!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Clean Bill of Health!

Good Morning Folks,

Mommy, Daddy, and Sheriff Padfoot accompanied me to my first vet visit as the Deputy. It is very important, in my new role, that I have a complete check up with those pesky vaccinations thrown into the mix.

One positive thing I can say about the vet; I get lots and lots of treats just for sitting down and for being very nice to the nurse and vet when they poke and prod me. Everyone was very nice and thought I was a very handsome Deputy although they had trouble telling the Sheriff and I apart. I could have used that confusion to my advantage and had him go through the exam but Mommy was too quick for me. Drat!

After examining my paws which I have licked raw, I now have to get a bath, take some meds, and sprayed with this calming gook but everyone is in agreement that it is likely not an allergy but more related to anxiety. New home, new parents, new Sheriff, new surroundings, why would I be anxious?

Other than that, the vet and nurse said I did really well and Mommy and Daddy were very proud. Sheriff even gave me a lick or two to show his love. I'm told I have to go back in a few weeks for another exam and round of vaccines but I'll just not think about that for now.

Daddy is getting us ice cream for being such good boys so I gotta run but I'll be in touch soon with any new adventures!

Licks and Jumps to all!

Monday, September 30, 2013

The Deputy and The Dogpark

You've heard the saying two is company, three's a crowd? Imagine three plus a few zeros behind it and that would describe a dog park. For those that don't know, Sheriff Padfoot grew up in a very loving environment in which Mommy and Daddy socialized him very early. Seriously, the dog is a social butterfly-everytime we go anywhere, he has to sniff everyone and offer to play with at least half of the community.

Me-I am Mister Social Anxiety and I do NOT like to have any part of my body sniffed without permission. What I learned is that doggy park dogs know no boundaries and if you even think of walking around sniffing, it's an invitation to play. Somehow Sheriff Padfoot forgot to fill me in on the rules of dog park before we went and outside of what happens at dogpark is all over the doggy newsworld within 5 seconds (we pups are really good at the whole 140 characters or less deal), there are NO RULES!

So, here I am, walking around, sniffing the lay of the land when all of the sudden, I'm surrounded. Nowhere to go, nowhere to hide. The worst part? I couldn't turn around without a butt being in my face. Seriously? Where did these dogs learn manners? All of the sudden, there is a crack in the puppy shield and I make a run for it. I have no idea where I am going but I know I want Mommy-crap she is behind me, I need to turn around but I have about 5 really big dogs chasing me. Mommy!!!!!

Quickly scooped up and whew, I can take a breath. The Sheriff is at Mom's feet giving everyone in ear shot a good talking to about scaring the new guy and as he just loves to bark, there are more details than anyone wanted to know in there as well.

Ok after a few minutes of watching everyone, I think I'm safe so Mom puts me down. I walk a little and yep, you guessed it, the gang was back but this time I was prepared. I kept Mom's legs to my back and just tucked myself between them. No one could get me there-Haha Winner!

Wait, there is a female Westie coming in for a sniff. Well hello Dolly.....

Licks and Jumps to all!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Deputy Dougal Discussion: Marking

Everything outside is fair game to mark including laundry basket (empty or full or clean clothes), clothes pins, lawn furniture, yard tools, etc. If you leave it, I will mark it.

Note to other doggies: Never try this indoors; it is frowned upon by humans and usually results in finger wagging, raised voices, and disappointed looks.

Happy Tuesday!

Love and Licks (and Marks if appropriate)

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Early bird catches what at the Academy?

So when I left you last, I mentioned Mom would be taking the Sheriff and I to the academy to visit Captain Half-Pint, Grandma, and Grandpa. First things first, the Captain and I get along fabulously although he makes sure we all know who is in charge. Of course, there was the standard sniffing and growling but after about 10 minutes, we were good.

Second, I love the Academy!! There was lots and lots of acres to sniff, run, and bark and I don't even need to stay on a leash because the entire area is fenced in by woods. Boy oh boy! The best part-Mom took us for a run and walks three times a day.

Third, life on the Academy is hard with very early hours. Grandma and Grandpa run the Academy like bootcamp and therefore we are up and running at 5 am! Can you believe that? Needless to say there were many afternoon naps (see above). Similarly to my foster family, we have a list of chores that have to be addressed before breakfast. Searching for squirrels, sniffing for new scents, barking at the birds, etc. Then after breakfast, we have to help clean up, take long walks, check for mail, make dinner, extract honey, etc. Busy, busy, busy.

Although we were at the Academy did not mean we were on break from training. Grandma worked with my barking and made sure I knew what "paw" meant; Grandpa tried to get me to play and howl both of which I attempted but so far, no luck. However, I did chase the Sheriff. It last about 10 seconds but it was long enough to make Mom stream tears of joy to see me not only sprint across the lawn for the first time but also chasing something other than squirrels. Yeah, I got a few treats out of that one!

Well, I'm pretty exhausted of three days at the Academy and all of the love I received from Grandma and Grandpa so I'll fill you in later on more details. Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

Licks and jumps!

Deputy Dougal

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


So it occurred to me, while I was chasing squirrels in my sleep, that I forgot to provide some background information about myself. Very important that I give you a positive first impression so apologies for my oversight in not making the first blog an introduction.

That being said, hello everyone, my name is Deputy Dougal formerly known as Casper. I for one am glad it changed as Casper the ever friendly ghost doesn't go over so well with the ladies. Deputy Dougal is distinguished and while the ladies are still not knocking down the door, I know they will come sooner rather than later.

Besides the fact that I am adorable and quite loving, what you should know about me is that I am a survivor. Unlike the Destiny Child song (I get props for knowing that, right?), I didn't survive a bad breakup but a crummy puppyhood. From the information gathered, I was not treated well nor was I ever allowed to be a happy, inquisitive puppy. Thankfully, after a year of living in abusive conditions, the light at the end of the tunnel appeared in the form of the angels of Maryland Westie Rescue. They took care of me, showed me love, and made sure I had a clean bill of health but perhaps the very best thing they did for me was provide me an amazing foster family.

For over five months, I had an opportunity to live in a safe, loving environment in the heart of Virginia surrounded by three foster brothers (also rescues) and a caring, patient foster Mom and Dad. They gave me food, love, and security for the first time in my doggy life. As much as I loved it there, foster homes are only temporary although mine was longer than most since it took awhile to find the perfect home. I am very special you see and I need humans that can deal with this particular level of specialness. One day, while out with my foster brothers, foster Mom gets a call and three weeks later, I left my foster family to become (drum roll please) Deputy Dougal.

The rest is history..or will be once all of my adventures are completed and the world has known the greatness that is The Deputy!

Licks and jumps to all.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

First Morning at the Homestead-a letter to the foster family

Well today is my first morning at the new digs and so far, I think it will work. Mom and Dad seem very responsive to my desire to explore the whole house and backyard. I like this game of going to the back door and it just opens for me. It's fun to watch the humans jump up and encourage me to go outside- like I need to be told twice.

I ate a little bit of dinner but my stomach was still a little queasy from the drive but I didn't want Padfoot to get it either so I just decided my dinner bowl worked as a pillow.

They have windows everywhere and I love trying to look out of each and every one of them. I even jumped to the top of the couch to look out over the new homestead. Dad had to prop me up so I didn't slide but I'd like to think I can do it on my own next time.

I am not a fan of the bedroom. Padfoot and I are in agreement with that so we slept with Dad in the guest room. Apparently I will get the opportunity to sleep in there with just Padfoot soon but I still need some supervision for a while. Personally I think I would be just fine but the humans are responsible for the food so I don't argue too much.

There are a lot of new noises here and I make sure everyone knows there is a new deputy in town. Padfoot is still the sheriff but he has a very quiet way of dealing with potential criminals and well that just isn't my style. I want everyone to know I am coming to get em if they dare step too close to the homestead.

I am very proud to say I've had no accidents in the house thus far- too much fun getting the humans to jump up and down from the couch.

Well it was a long night of barking and an early morning so I guess it's nap time. Padfoot let me in on a secret- we get up early but are able to go back to sleep for most of the day as long as we don't show the humans too much energy.

 Licks and jumps to everyone.

Deputy Dougal.